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President Trump did more for Believers than any administration in history!

President Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices, which led to the end of Roe v. Wade and broader protections for religious liberties.

President Trump signed Executive Order 13831, the “Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative," which gives equal protections to people and businesses of faith.

President Trump was the first sitting president to attend the March for Life.

President Trump attended the National Prayer Breakfast every year of his presidency.

President Trump backed the Hyde Amendment, which ensures that no federal funding goes towards abortions, and has called for it to be made permanent.

President Trump reinstituted the Mexico City Policy, which blocks taxpayer funding of organizations that promote and provide abortions.

President Trump signed Executive Order 13926, the “Advancing International Religious Freedom” order, which gives $50 million yearly to prioritize, support, and fund religious freedom abroad.

President Trump removed the Obama mandate that forced faith employers, like the Little Sister of the Poor, to participate in providing contraceptives and abortifacients.

President Trump orchestrated the freeing Pastor Andrew Brunson who was wrongly imprisoned in Turkey.